Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Sorry For The Hiatus

uda pada masuk sekolah atau mulai semester baru kah?
slamat berjuang bagi para pelajar dan para mahasiswa/i yang uda masuk semester baru..semoga di semester ini bisa lebih baik dari semester sebelumnya..terutama dalam segi IPK..hahaha..
dan bagi para mahasiswa/i tingkat akhir yang seperjuangan, let us keep the high spirit! ^0^ *note to self*

Anyway, I wrote this post as some kind of notification and apology, because it seems it'll take some time until I could make another new review..because I'm still in the middle of doing my internship report now..>_<
I will try to continue my draft of a new post whenever I have time though..but maybe it won't come out any soon I'm sorry for the hiatus..>_<
But I still hope the reviews that I already made could still be useful and I will always welcoming any critics, comment or advice..thank u and God Bless..:D